Dissertation Online
Dissertations Online – Is There Such a Thing?
It is possible that some students who are entering doctoral programs are wondering if, when they time comes, they can buy a dissertation online rather than going through the pain and may months of producing their own. The answer to this question is “yes and no.” And it all depends upon the academic writing service a student chooses to use when the time comes.

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Here is the thing about online dissertation purchases. There are some fraudulent writing companies that will tell students they can purchase a dissertation and have it delivered quite quickly. They ask only for a topic, and within days, will deliver a complete dissertation – a work that takes doctoral students months to complete. Here is how it is done. They will access an existing database of published dissertations in the student’s topic; they will then re-write or spin existing content and put together a dissertation that will “look” okay on the surface but when read, will be terrible. The research will not be current; the research study will look oddly familiar to academics sitting on the student’s dissertation committee, and the results will be disastrous both academically and professionally. This is not how a reputable writing service like TrustedDissertations.com provides online dissertation help.
Because we have Ph.D. writers on our staff who give professional dissertation help online, the process is entirely different. We know how the process works back at the university the student attends. S/he must meet with an advisor and present a topic and research question for the dissertation that will be produced. The advisor must approve that topic and research question before the student may proceed. Now, many doctoral students do come to our company in search of help in refining their topics and research questions, and they are given a Ph.D. in their fields to help them do that. When they go to their advisor, then, they have a scholarly research question in writing for that advisor to approve.
The process for dissertation online help then continues. The student must prepare a proposal to present to his/her dissertation committee – a short work that contains all of the details of the proposed research, the methodology, the current literature that has already been reviewed, the predictive results of the study, and so on. This is a very individualized and customized piece of writing that involves the student and his/her personal consultant in a collaborative relationship.
Once that proposal is approved, the student may then continue with the project. It begins with a literature review that is current and comprehensive and will require the student and/or his consultant to read dissertations online from credible library sources (e.g., ProQuest), and to summarize the results of those studies as they pertain to the student’s research questions. Because our field-expert Ph.D.’s have access to these resources and are already familiar with the research that is “out there,” they can make quick work of a literature review that will contain all of the research and studies that intimately relate to the client’s question. The ability to find the most relevant published dissertations online to be used in literature reviews is a particular strength of our Ph.D. researchers, and they can produce exceptional review of literature chapters.
If a student struggles with methodology, the consultant is available to design the research methods and to craft instruments that will be fully “on point” and not contain any items that may become nuisance factors as the results are analyzed and discussed. The student then conducts the research locally because the advisor and committee have already been informed of when, where, and how the research is to be implemented. This is why students cannot simply buy online dissertations and expect to “get away” with that kind of activity. But the unscrupulous writing companies will promise them that they can, and some will naively fall into that trap. Don’t you be one of them. Get your dissertation assistance from a qualified consultant at TrustedDissertations.com, and you will end up with an original work that has followed all of the “rules.”
When you buy dissertation online assistance, from TrustedDissertations.com, the statistical analysis of your results will be prepared for you, complete with the appropriate graphics to give visual representation to your findings. You will be able to demonstrate statistical significance to support your predicted outcome, and your committee will be impressed. Moreover, as you review and study each chapter as it is delivered to you, you will have no difficulty with your oral defense. In fact, your consultant will help you prepare for that oral defense, if need be.

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We Ensure Confidentiality
We fully understand the need every client has for their use of our service to be kept in confidence. We will never violate that trust, we encrypt all of your personal information, and never do we reveal or share our client information to or with anyone else.
We Guarantee Fully Original Research and Writing
No writer who works for us ever begins on a project until after it has been ordered. And all are research and writing completed for a client is reviewed by a member of our quality control team before it can be delivered to that client. This process includes, among other things, a check of the authenticity of resource materials and a full scan for plagiarism. Once the product has been delivered to a client, moreover, it is trashed from our system so that there is never a chance of it being used again. Ownership is transferred to the client when it is delivered.
We Guarantee Revisions
If ever a client is dis-satisfied with any portion of a work that is delivered, we will provide free revisions as requested. Try getting that from any company that just sells doctoral dissertations online without providing personal consultants!
You can certainly find dissertations online in many places. You cannot, however, find original, custom-written dissertations and consultation from a Ph.D.-degreed academician who will move through the production process methodically, just as your institution expects. If you are looking for dissertation help, you are definitely looking for TrustedDissertations.com