Dissertation Writing Service
Best Dissertation Writing Services Ever!
Doctoral students understand that their dissertation year is coming, and they begin thinking about it as soon as they enter their final semesters of coursework, maybe even before. They have been thinking about a research topic and question, have been getting input from their advisors and fellow students, and are anticipating 12-18 months of some pretty intensive work. If this is your current situation, it may also be time to think about locating a dissertation writing service. There are not many of us around, and we’d like to tell you about TrustedDissertations.com, a reliable and fully confidential service in which you can place your trust. And we do not take that trust lightly.

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Our Business Model
There are not many custom dissertation writing services available for doctoral students, because, quite frankly, dissertation writing can only be fully customized, and most academic writing services do not have the business model to provide such customization. Because we focus on graduate level research and writing, however, we have developed a model that results in all of our clients getting exactly what they need – nothing more, nothing less.
- Our Model Begins with Our Mission Statement: To provide the best dissertation writing service available.
- We must therefore have the academically qualified researchers, writers, editors, and statisticians necessary to provide any type of help a student may need. We must screen them carefully and pay them well.
- We must have responsive and professional customer support services to answer questions and resolve issues.
- We must have communication networks, so that client and consultant can communicate as often and as regularly as necessary in order to ensure products and services that meet client approval
- We must have progressive payment and delivery structures in place that are appropriate for long-term projects.
- We must guarantee full confidentiality to every client
With these policies and procedures in place, we are thus able to offer a custom dissertation writing service that results in the highest quality of research and writing available in the industry.
Salient Operational Procedures
Obviously, we do not allow a doctoral candidate to contact us and simply say, “Write a dissertation for me in the field of marine biology.” The student has an advisor at his institution, and that advisor and student have discussed potential research questions for a dissertation. When the student comes to us, we do expect that s/he will have at least a few research question options, and our assistance begins from there.
- We begin with a full discussion regarding the research question or the options. Then, and only then can we assign the proper Ph.D. academician to collaborate with the client.
- We will also discuss the nature and depth of assistance a client wants. Some clients arrive at the very beginning of the process and need help refining their research questions and developing their proposals; others arrive having completed all chapters up to the point of conducting the result analysis and need a statistician to complete that portion of the project; still others arrive in need of a field expert to review and edit each chapter as it is written. This is the very essence of custom dissertation writing services – providing the specific services that each client requires.
- Once the appropriate expert is assigned, we leave further discussion of the details up to him/her and the client. As work progresses, we are involved in making certain that the client is being served well and is providing approval of each phase as it is completed.
The Geographic Range of Our Services
We serve students in English-speaking institutions all over the world. Thus, we have dissertation writing services U.S., dissertation writing services UK, and dissertation writing services for students in non-English speaking countries which, nonetheless, have doctoral degree programs in which English is the standard language. Of course, there are syntax differences, so, for example, when we provide UK dissertation writing services, we generally assign a field specialist who has received his/her Ph.D. from a UK institution.

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Our Commitment to You
A professional writing dissertation service has policies in place that demonstrate its commitment to its clients, and you will find our policies on pages throughout our site. We urge you to read through these, but are providing a summary here so that you have a general idea of our guarantees.
- Client Satisfaction: As each portion of your ordered work is completed, it is available for our full review and comment. If any part of it is not satisfactory, you need only tell your consultant. It will be revised until you are thrilled. Only then will your writer move onto the next phase.
- Privacy: We respect your need for a confidential relationship with TrustedDissertations.com, and we will never violate your privacy in any way. Your personal information is encrypted and firewall protected.
- Our pricing is fully individualized for dissertation assistance, because client needs are all unique. We will discuss pricing with you when you place your order, and we always provide discounts for lengthy projects. We are happy to discuss payment plans that fit your budget and that can be made in increments as each phase of work is completed.
We want your experience with us to be successful and one that results in the perfect dissertation that reflects your hard work and diligence, and we believe that the Ph.D. dissertation writing service at TrustedDissertations.com will exceed all of your expectations.